Health is Wealth
Health is the Biggest Wealth in Life. It brings in desired Happiness, Enjoyment and Pleasure. … Simply the Possessions of money/ things don’t make an individual Rich, It is Good Health. This implies that Health strongly influences a person’s capability to enjoy the Wealth which he might have amassed
I have always personally believed health is the most important
During my college days, I became aware of yoga and aerobics. I joined aerobic classes and used to enjoy it very much. Post-college I started to put on little weight. At that time I realized if I don’t take care now it can be a problem later. So I joined a workout center called Soumen workout which was very famous in Kolkata. I was running my boutique in those days. In the evening after my boutique, I used to go straight for exercise. This routine continued for a year. I became obsessed with exercise. I was conscious about my food habits also. I could see a remarkable change in me and I was enjoying it. The gym owner even wanted me to model for their center. Before and after pictures they wanted to put all across Kolkata. But I denied it.
Even in Banglore after my pregnancy, I joined a gym for one year. I love exercising and again I could see a remarkable change in me. I was following a diet plan also.
So I feel with consistency and discipline and dedication we can achieve good health. I always tell kids our body is a gift from god. Treat your body as a temple. Keep it clean and pure inside out and your body will respect you back.